If we overlook the landscape and the cityscape, we can find architectures which harmonize with them.
An architecture should not be self-satisfied, nor should it destroy the scenery. I am pursuing my ideal architecture which naturally stays there and remains in people’s memories now and forever.
今井 健雄 / Takeo Imai
一級建築士 第293196号
- 1973
- 三重県生まれ 大阪工業大学 建築学科出身
- 1996
- 工務店、店舗設計施工会社、設計事務所
- 2009
- 株式会社 ローバー都市建築事務所
- 2018
- 今井健雄建築設計事務所 設立
- 所属
- 大阪府建築士会
- 登録
- 一級建築士事務所 大阪府知事(イ)25372号
建築士賠償責任補償制度加入 - 受賞歴
- 第9回「あたたかな住空間デザイン」 最優秀賞 審査員(中村好文氏、室伏次郎氏、東利恵氏、蟹沢俊行氏)
屋根のある建築作品コンテスト2019 伊礼智賞
屋根のある建築作品コンテスト2023 リノベーション特別賞 優秀賞
I was raised in “Kominka(old Japanese-style house)” in Mie prefecture. I didn’t have a good impression of it when I was a child. I found it very shabby, because the appearance of the house covered with black cedar board was partially decayed being exposed to the rain and the wind. Rather, I yearned for exotic houses which were very common in Japan.
I realized how precious the life in “Kominka” was only after I left the house and traveled many countries to see various beautiful cityscapes and their lifestyle. Neat “Kiritsumayane (a gabled roof)”, “Kigumi (a wooden framework)” and Ishibadate (a technique used at a folk dwelling to attach a pillar to a base stone), those styles and techniques were devised under a severe climate of Japan.
The cold feeling when entering an entrance hall, the tense atmonphere of “Mise no ma (a room next to an entrance hall)”, the pleasantness when taking a nap in “Butsuma (a room for Buddhist images)” where a breeze blowing through, the bright and beautiful garden seen from “Engawa (a boarded floor running along the outside of a traditional Japanese house)”, the memory that I was scolded by my favorite grandfather when I broke the “Fusuma (sliding doors used to separate rooms in traditional Japanese houses)”.
The life in this house created what I am today. I am pursuing what is the ideal architecture which is suitable and fitting to a modern lifestyle, cherishing those irreplaceable experiences and memories.